# ServerConfig unknownDestination = Unknown destination '{0}'. destinationWithInvalidMessageType = Destination '{0}' cannot service messages of type '{1}'. unknownDestinationForService = Unknown destination '{1}' for service with id '{0}'. noServiceForMessageType = No service is configured to handle messages of type '{0}'. unknownChannelWithId = Channel '{0}' does not exist in the configuration. unknownChannelClass = The channel class '{0}' specified was not found. noChannelForDestination = Destination '{0}' has no channels defined and the application does not define any default channels. # Channel noDestinationSpecified = A destination name must be specified. connectTimedOut = Connect attempt timed out. # ChannelSet cannotAddWhenConfigured = Channels cannot be added to a ChannelSet that targets a configured destination. cannotRemoveWhenConfigured = Channels cannot be removed from a ChannelSet that targets a configured destination. noAvailableChannels = No Channels are available for use. sendFailed = Send failed cannotConnectToDestination = No connection could be made to the message destination. cannotAddNullIdChannelWhenClustered = Cannot add a channel with null id to ChannelSet when its clustered property is true. cannotSetClusteredWithdNullChannelIds = Cannot change clustered property of ChannelSet to true when it contains channels with null ids. # AbstractConsumer resubscribeIntervalNegative = resubscribeInterval cannot take a negative value. consumerSubscribeError = Consumer subscribe error failedToSubscribe = The consumer was not able to subscribe to its target destination. # MessageAgent emptyDestinationName = '{0}' is not a valid destination. destinationNotSet = The MessageAgent's destination must be set to send messages. # AbstractProducer reconnectIntervalNegative = reconnectInterval cannot take a negative value. producerConnectError = Producer connect error failedToConnect = The producer was not able to connect to its target destination. producerSendError = Send failed producerSendErrorDetails = The producer is not connected and the message cannot be sent. queuedMessagesNotAllowedDetails = This producer does not have an assigned message queue so queued messages cannot be sent. # MessageStore messageQueueSendError = Send failed wrongMessageQueueForProducerDetails = The message did not come from the message store associated with this producer. lsoStorageNotAllowed = The message store cannot initialize because local storage is not allowed. Please ensure that local storage is enabled for the Flash Player and that sufficient storage space is configured. messageQueueNotInitialized = The message store has not been initialized. messageQueueFailedInitialize = Message store initialization failed. couldNotAddMessageToQueue = The message store could not store the message and the producer is not connected. The FaultEvent dispatched by the message store provides additional information. couldNotRemoveMessageFromQueue = The message could not be removed from the message store before being sent. couldNotLoadCache = The cache could not be loaded into the message store. couldNotSaveCache = The cache could not be saved. couldNotClearCache = The cache could not be cleared. couldNotLoadCacheIds = The list of cache ids could not be loaded. # Session emptySessionClientId = Session clientId's must be non-zero in length. # AMFChannel pollingIntervalNonPositive = Channel pollingInterval may only be set to a positive value. pollingRequestNotAllowed = Poll request made on '{0}' when polling is not enabled. invalidURL = Invalid URL # DirectHTTPChannel noURIAllowed = Error for DirectHTTPChannel. No URI can be specified. authenticationNotSupported = Authentication not supported on DirectHTTPChannel (no proxy). httpRequestError = HTTP request error httpRequestError.details = Error: {0} securityError = Security error accessing url securityError.details = Destination: {0} # AMFXDecoder noAMFXBody = Invalid AMFX packet. Could not find message body unsupportedAMFXVersion = Unsupported AMFX version: {0} noAMFXNode = Invalid AMFX packet. Content must start with an node AMFXTraitsNotFirst = Invalid object. A single set of traits must be supplied as the first entry in an object. errorReadingIExternalizable = Error encountered while reading IExternalizable. {0} notImplementingIExternalizable = Class {0} must implement flash.util.IExternalizable. unknownReference = Unknown reference {0} referenceMissingId = A reference must have an id. unknownStringReference = Unknown string reference {0} unknownTraitReference = Unknown trait reference {0} # HttpRequestMessage invalidRequestMethod = Invalid method specified. # MessageResponder requestTimedOut = Request timed out requestTimedOut.details = The request timeout for the sent message was reached without receiving a response from the server. deliveryInDoubt = Channel disconnected deliveryInDoubt.details = Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received # HTTPChannel ##httpRequestError ##httpRequestError.details ##securityError ##securityError.details ackFailed = Didn't receive an acknowledgement of message ackFailed.details = Was expecting message '{0}' but received '{1}'. noAckMessage = Didn't receive an acknowledge message noAckMessage.details = Was expecting mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage, but received {0} # NetConnectionChannel ##ackFailed ##ackFailed.details ##noAckMessage ##noAckMessage.details noErrorForMessage = Didn't receive an error for message noErrorForMessage.details = Was expecting message '{0}' but received '{1}'. receivedNull = Received null.